奥斯卡真应该学一下香港设立个最佳动作设计奖《金瓶梅全集》系列早已被各种电影教材收录阿汤哥也理应在影史上留下一笔(或者最佳流行奖、终身成就奖)另外本片虽然主打特技动作剧本也意外的非常出色あらいめんとゆーゆー THE ANIMATION尤其是前半段的忠奸难辨回归了特工片本该具有的谍战色彩在嬉笑打闹大行其道的今天《最爽的乱系列小说》将以严肃的风格独树一帜
Fritz Lang played one of the most tragic tricks in cinema history in the bank robbing scene. It puts every audience in the position of prejudice, which is exactly what the movie tries to criticize. The brief yet efficient storytelling, the usage of the fog imagery, the prefigurative frogs tale, the no-choice birth of a "femme fatale" and the irreversible tragedy bring great impact on us all.