01/09/2020, @ Angelika Film Center and Café. “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” The meaning of suffering and endurance. The narrow road of faith and truth. The perseverance for the true peace, freedom, and life. A cry-out to God. 纯净又纯粹的诗歌洗涤感官看到Franz Rogowski也在这部电影里令人十分惊喜年度最爱
可怕的是自身的回避女子监狱的男狱警完整版在线电影这种遮掩内心真实情感的逃避行为追根溯源却是社群文化、社群传统的罪孽宗教为代表的守旧的思想仍旧霸占着乡村的土壤一切看似反动的、反道德的、反传统的都是敌对的、不可饶恕的悲剧结尾是对这种落后根源的呈现PS.影片最后一句台词“I don't want to see you ever again”qaf站翻译成相反的意思